Indra Pilskalna

Mūsu novadniece- Indra Pilskalna, kura savu aicinājumu atgriezties savā dzimtenē, savā Dunikā apjautusi un ar pārliecību realizējusi. Protams, neaizmirstot mūziku, kurai Indra savu mūžu veltījusi, jau no mazotnes to apjauzdama un pieaugušo naski atbalstīta. Un tā staigājot pat Dunikas pļavām, radies valsis – Dunikas valsis. Mūsu pagasts iedvesmo! To ierakstījis un diskā “To The Tavern” izdevis The London Klezmer Quartet, kurā Indra muzicē kā pasaules mūzikas zvaigzne. Tālāk skatāmi foto no diska vāka un tam pievienotie.

Un daži citāti par mūsu novadnieci –

“When Buraczewska sang, all the earthiness, profound melancholy and celebratory joy you could desire came surging to the fore via her vast, singular contralto.” Sydney Morning Herald.

“It may seem odd to find the shtetl being rebuilt inside the M25, but there’s no lack of authenticity in the exuberant yet cultured playing of the violinist Ilana Cravitz, the accordionist Carol Isaacs, the clarinettist Susi Evans and the double-bassist Indra Buraczewska… While there’s no shortage of dynamism here, the musicians dig deeper, too, bringing classical poise to the more introspective pieces. The tradition is safe in the hands of the next generation.” The Sunday Times.